How to take care of your beach carnation (Armeria maritima) - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The carnation thrives best in the sun

How to take care of your beach carnation (Armeria maritima) - tips and tricks

Colorful and colorful, the beach carnation (bot. Armeria maritima) decorates rockeries, heaths, dry stone walls and even graves. The grass carnation is also extremely easy to care for. You will surely find a nice spot in your garden for this attractive little perennial.

Location and ground

The weed loves a sunny spot, but does not necessarily need much heat. Even strong winds do not hurt her, because many species come from the coastal areas, as the name Strand-carnation suggests.

The ideal soil for the clove is well-drained, sandy-loamy and has a pH between five and seven. With peat or Moorbeeterde you can compensate for a high calcium content. Sand or fine chippings, on the other hand, relax it a bit and provide the necessary permeability.

Pour and fertilize

During the planting, which incidentally is possible during the entire growing season, mix some horn shavings and / or mature compost under the ground. Your fertilizer will not need more fertilizer this year, its nutritional needs are modest.

Water your freshly planted camel well. Also in the first days, maybe even weeks afterwards, water the plant regularly. If the carnation has grown well, reduce the frequency and amount of water. Between the individual waterings, the soil should now always dry slightly. Ideal is the use of rainwater.

The carnation in the winter

The beach carnation is considered hardy. Although it tolerates quite temperatures up to -20 ° C, but a small winter protection is still appropriate. This will prevent the frost from damaging your prune. A light cover with foliage or brushwood is sufficient.

The grass carnation as a grave plant

Because it is really easy to care for, remains quite low and forms decorative upholstery on its own, the grass carnation is very suitable for grave planting and / or bordering. There are many different varieties that bloom in different colors, leaving you with all the possibilities of individual design.

The essentials in brief:


If you cut your carnation vigorously after the first flowering, the plant will have the opportunity to bloom again.