Share anemone perennials for multiplication and rejuvenation

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
15 Perennials Every Garden Should Have! πŸ’ͺπŸŒΏπŸ’š // Garden Answer
Video: 15 Perennials Every Garden Should Have! πŸ’ͺπŸŒΏπŸ’š // Garden Answer


Share anemone perennials for multiplication and rejuvenation

After a few years, hardy anemone perennials reach considerable sizes as they grow in one place for a long time. So that the plants do not get too big, they should be shared in spring or autumn. In this way you can multiply the perennials and rejuvenate old plants.

Early Article Few anemone varieties are hardy

Multiply anemones by sharing

The best times for the division of anemone perennials are the fall and the spring.

If you divide the perennials in autumn, you must overwinter the newly created anemone in the house or in the garage frost-free. The plants can not form enough roots before the onset of winter to withstand the cold. This also applies to really hardy anemones.

Anemones split in spring can be planted at the new location right away. The condition is that it no longer freezes and the soil is already slightly warmed up. Lift out a sufficiently large hole and insert the root pieces. Then carefully start the earth and water the anemone.

Share perennials - how it works!

Dig in the ground around the perennial with a grave fork as deep as possible and loosen the roots. Then lift the plant and carefully remove it from the ground.Be careful not to damage the long tap roots as little as possible.

With the spade, divide the perennial by cutting the root into pieces. At least four to five eyes must remain on each section.

The cuts are placed either in sufficiently large pots in autumn or in spring at the desired location.

More flowers through rejuvenated perennials

By sharing the anemone, you not only provide for replenishment of new perennials. The reduced anemones also have more power to develop many beautiful flowers.

Other methods of propagation of anemone perennials

Tips & Tricks

When the anemone perennial grows in a very favorable location, you can replant a section in the same location. At its usual place, the anemone will quickly grow and form many flowers.