Making a pineapple rooted - that's the way it works

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Making a pineapple rooted - that's the way it works - Garden
Making a pineapple rooted - that's the way it works - Garden


Making a pineapple rooted - that's the way it works

Does the challenge of cultivating a pineapple plant lure you? The first hurdle on the way to the horticultural masterpiece is to root the exotic plant. We lift the veil above this not so mysterious process.

Pineapple plants form roots in two places

The pineapple plant is not only one of the few bromeliads that thrive in the soil (terrestrial). At the same time, she has the rare talent of sprouting roots from the leaf axils of her crown. In this way, the plant assimilates water and nutrients that accumulate in the leaf rosette. Clever hobby gardeners know this attribute when they want to plant a pineapple. Learn the details here.

How a leaf head rooted in a jiffy

For the plan to succeed, you need a fresh, ripe pineapple. Make sure that the fruit was not subjected to cooling during transport. In the trade these copies are offered under the name 'Flugananas'. Take a close look at the leaves. The foliage should be juicy-green and without a hint of mold. Proceed as follows:

In an airy place, lay out the stalk for a while to dry. Then fill a glass with lime-free water. In this place the leaf head so deep that the water does not reach to the foliage. At the partly shady, warm window seat you can now watch the pineapple rooting.

Plant skillfully

The young roots have reached a length of 8-10 centimeters, is planting time. Half a pot with a lean substrate, such as unit earth or cactus substrate. A handful of quartz sand or expanded clay creates the desired permeability. Make a fist and make a small hollow. In it you insert the rooted leaf crown and fill the substrate up to the lower row of foliage. After casting, place the vessel in a bright location at temperatures of 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Tips & Tricks

The leafcorns of pineapple plants roost even more quickly when you fill the water glass with willow water. The natural growth hormones contained in them visibly accelerate the process. You simply create grazing water out of divided, year-round willow branches, which are doused with boiling water. Leave for 24 hours and strain.