Ants are sold environmentally friendly and safe

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
What’s Inside An Anthill?
Video: What’s Inside An Anthill?


Ants can be easily distributed with herbal remedies

Ants are sold environmentally friendly and safe

Ants are very useful insects because they dig up the soil and carry seeds of rare plants. In addition, they serve as valuable food for many animals. Nevertheless, they are among the rather uninvited visitors in the garden and in the house. They spew painful poison to defend themselves and are attracted by sweets magically. However, ants do not have to be a nuisance, because there are various ways to combat the unsolicited lodgers in the house and in the garden gently and environmentally friendly.

How do you get rid of ants gently?

Here is the first question:

While individual animals who have lost their way or crawl across the terrace are no cause for concern, they should take appropriate action on a whole state or ant road that cuts across the kitchen.

Drive away ants in the garden

The small crawlers are often found there in the garden, where aphids have settled. The ants harvest the sweet honeydew excretion of these pests and the aphid colonies from their natural predators. In this case it is often enough to fight the aphids in order to get rid of the ants permanently.

Move ants

Alternatively, you can put an empty flower pot over the ant nest. The sheltered space appeals to the animals and they shift their nest just under the vessel. After a few days, you can use a spade to prick deep under the flowerpot, remove the entire ant-state, and transport it to a location where the little animals do not bother.

Strong odors drive away ants

These insects have a very sensitive sense of smell. You can take advantage of this to persuade uninvited guests to find a new home with environmentally friendly means. Since you yourself, unlike in the house, the unpleasant smell can temporarily avoid, you may in the garden quite strongly scented guns.

Have proved successful:

These odors are so repugnant to the little animals that you can usually see after just a few hours, as the crawlers carry their brood from the nest and hurry to seek the distance.

Ants prefer a dry place of residence

Ants in flower pots or window boxes can be well distributed with water. If they tolerate it, simply water plants for a few days so that the liquid collects in the flowerpot. This permanent flooding does not like the animals and they are looking for the space.

Set up predators

If more ants settle in your garden, you should create in this one habitat for natural predators. First and foremost these are:

Fight ants in the house

In the first line, the common ants often found in the garden and the notorious "termites of the north", the carpenter ants, settle here.

The following preventive measures help keep the pets out of the house:

Gently drive away ants

First, trace the path of the insects back to the nest. If the animals come only for a visit and the construction is outside your apartment, it is sufficient to interrupt the ant trail and to keep the insects away with fragrances.

Ants hate the smell of cinnamon, just sprinkle the ant trail with this spice and they can be pretty sure that the little animals will not come in voluntarily.

But not all animals avoid this perfume. Alternatively, try the experiment with:

However, you should repeat this after a few days, as the scent passes quickly.

Close any cracks through which the small crawlers could penetrate with silicone, gypsum or acrylic.

Sometimes only the professional helps

However, if an entire ant colony has settled in the house, you should immediately entrust an exterminator with the removal. The actually useful animals can cause massive damage here, especially if the nest is under the expensive parquet floor or in the attic.


Ant poison is quite reliable, but it should only be used in an emergency. It also contains harmful substances for humans. In households where small children or pets live, such substances do not belong at all. Even if natural remedies do not work as fast as the chemical club, with a bit of patience you can distribute the small crawlers reliably and environmentally friendly.