The tuber of cyclamen - the poisonous powerhouse

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
DMZ | Official Trailer | HBO Max
Video: DMZ | Official Trailer | HBO Max


The tuber is the most poisonous part of the cyclamen

The tuber of cyclamen - the poisonous powerhouse

With its greyish-brown color, the tuber of cyclamen looks about as unspectacular as a plate potato. But the inconspicuous face is deceptive. There is great potential in her and the entire aboveground plant depends on her.

To absorb, store and release nutrients

This disc-shaped flattened tuber, with fine roots at the bottom, has the main task of absorbing and storing nutrients from the roots. With them the cyclamen receives the opportunity to bloom over several weeks. But in summer, the tuber needs a rest. At this time the cyclamen should not be fertilized.

Plant the tuber properly

In order to be able to enjoy cyclamen for many years, it is important to plant your tuber properly. This should be done either in early summer or in autumn at a distance of 10 cm to other cyclamen.

This is to be noted:

The most poisonous part of the cyclamen

Take care when handling the tuber! Even small amounts of it can lead to serious poisoning in the body. It is poisonous to humans and animals. 0.2 g provide for weak symptoms of poisoning such as nausea. A dose of 8 g is fatal.

Divide the tuber to increase the cyclamen

How to Split the Cyclamen Using Its Tuber:

Dear do not pour on the tuber!

Although some voices say it will not hurt, it's better to be careful and not put your luck to the test. The partly outstanding tuber of a pot cyclamen should not be watered. It is better to water the cyclamen from below. This will prevent rot.

Tips & Tricks

Attention: The autumn cyclamen grow roots from the upper side.