Is the acacia hardy?

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Gratitude  Cover by Hardy
Video: Gratitude Cover by Hardy


The acacia tolerates frost bad

Is the acacia hardy?

Admittedly, the constant relocation of a plant is quite tedious. Would you like to leave your acacia on the terrace all year round? Better not, because the deciduous tree is sensitive to frost. How best to overwinter him and what hardy alternatives there are, you will find in the following article.

Are acacia hardy?

Acacia captivate with their southern flair. The deciduous tree is native to Africa, Australia or, more rarely, of the United States. There they are used to the warm climate, which is why the only disadvantage of the exotic trees is that they can not tolerate frost. For this reason, it is necessary to protect your acacia from freezing.

Overwinter the acacia

For the wintering of acacia you have two different possibilities of the site:

In both cases the air should not be too dry (no heating air). Ideally, the humidity is at least 50%. Greenhouses and conservatories are ideal for this.
Besides, you should


The bucket attitude facilitates the change of location at the onset of the first frost. If you still want to give the impression that your acacia is planted in the ground, pick up a hole and put in the bucket. Then fill the hole with soil. In late autumn you simply dig up the bucket again.

The ball acacia is the exception

The Kugelakazie is a variety with round growth. Unlike the other acacia varieties, it is winter proof. However, this property applies only to trees that are set in the ground. Cultivated as a container plant, you must also bring the Kugelakazie in the winter in the house to protect it from frost.