Fertilize maple properly - you should pay attention to this

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fertilizing Japanese Maples - JAPANESE MAPLES EPISODE 103
Video: Fertilizing Japanese Maples - JAPANESE MAPLES EPISODE 103


The falling autumn leaves are a natural fertilizer

Fertilize maple properly - you should pay attention to this

If you take care of your maple, the Damocles sword of a fungal infection permanently hovers over the tree. Nutrient supply is no exception in this regard. To properly fertilize your magnificent house tree depends not only on the nutrient composition, but also on the expert approach. This guide answers all questions.

When is the best time to fertilize?

The condition of the fertilizer significantly determines the timing of the application. Organic fertilizer is processed in advance by soil organisms so that it is available to the plants. Mineral and mineral-organic fertilizer works immediately due to its chemical components. The following overview gives the best fertilizer dates:

For maple in the pot, liquid fertilizer is perfect for practical reasons. The period of application extends from March / April to August / September.

Which fertilizers are recommended?

Nitrogen plays a secondary role in the balanced nutrition of maple trees. Above all, native species are strong in growth, so that the additional administration of nitrogen causes a mastiges cell growth and increases the susceptibility to disease. Therefore, give preference to organic fertilizers such as compost, horn shavings and planting. From the concentrated nitrogen charge of mineral fertilizers, such as blue-grain, a maple should be spared.

What should you pay attention to when fertilising?

Fertilizers are applied to the maple exactly where pathogenic agents lurk for injuries as a portal of entry. Gentle fertilizer administration is therefore just as important as quality. How to do it right:

Ideally, start fertilization as part of the planting process by adding one-third of the excavation pit with mature compost and horn shavings.


Do not put the fall leaves under your maple away. As a result of rapid decomposition, the leaves turn into rich humus, from which the growth benefits. Only maple leaves with fungal attack should be completely removed and disposed of in the trash.