Creating a vegetable garden for beginners - You should avoid these mistakes

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 June 2024
10 BIGGEST Vegetable GARDEN MISTAKES: And How to Avoid Them
Video: 10 BIGGEST Vegetable GARDEN MISTAKES: And How to Avoid Them


In the beginning it would be better to plan something smaller

Creating a vegetable garden for beginners - You should avoid these mistakes

Even growing vegetables in your own garden is a lot of work - but also a lot of fun, if you can follow the growth of the small seedlings right from the start and finally reap the rewards of their efforts. In addition, the vegetable gardener knows exactly what is in his vegetables - pesticides and other harmful substances are not. However, in order for the initial enjoyment of the vegetable garden not to turn into annoyance or despair, if the harvest does not turn out as hoped for, some planning is needed.

Planning is half the garden life

One of the biggest novelty mistakes is simply to get started without any information and planning: digging a piece of garden, planting beds, sowing vegetables - only to find that the location does not fit, the selected varieties can not tolerate one another or the sowing takes place too early is. As a result, the vegetables do not really want to grow and the already happily cropped harvest remains off. That does not have to be.

In the beginning, rather plan smaller - and less complicated

Many garden beginners also underestimate the effort required by a large kitchen garden. Such a vegetable garden must be weeded, watered, fertilized and also controlled for pests and diseases - quite apart from the fact that at the time of harvest, of course, in a large garden also requires a lot of work, after all, the vegetables not only harvested, but also the same processed or preserved. There are many ambitious hobby gardeners with a 400 square meters small garden quickly overwhelmed. Therefore, you also plan the size of your vegetable garden after the time that you can and want to spare for it.For ten square meters of vegetable area, you will need about 30 minutes of care per week, with most of the work done during the main sowing and planting season in spring and early summer, and then again in the fall when it comes to clearing the beds and tilling.

Create vegetable and herb beds properly - That's how it's done

There are countless ways to create vegetable and herb beds. Very modern are forms such as hillside beds, shift beds, straw beds or crate beds, which of course have all their rights. However, those who are just beginning to take their first steps in growing vegetables have come to more traditional forms. Small, simply rectangular beds with a main path and byways are ideal for a start. They can be easily planted and processed, reducing work and effort. Classic vegetable beds are around one to one and a half feet wide and two and a half to three feet long.

Check the soil condition - and improve it if necessary

Before you plant and sow, you should first have the condition and composition of your garden floor checked in a specialist laboratory. Success or failure of the gardener depends mainly on the soil - if this is too permeable to vegetables or too heavy, the plants do not thrive well. However, not suitable garden soil can be improved accordingly.


At the beginning, it is best to cultivate fast-growing and uncomplicated vegetables. With herbs, salads, zucchini, kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, beans and peas as well as cabbage and pumpkin you are guaranteed to go wrong. These varieties are also very suitable for children.