Garden water better in the morning or in the evening?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 14 May 2024
Water in the morning vs evening
Video: Water in the morning vs evening


The garden should be watered early in the morning or late at night

Garden water better in the morning or in the evening?

Anyone who thinks that proper watering simply means to regularly wet their vegetables and flowers with plenty of water certainly makes a lot of mistakes. Not only that insufficiently watered plants grow poorer and less or less flowers and fruits develop, it also threatens fungal diseases and gluttonous pests.

Never pour at lunchtime

No matter whether in the morning or in the evening: Especially during the hot summer months, you should not water during lunchtime. Then it is often so warm that the irrigation water evaporates instantly and does not arrive at the roots at all or in an insufficient amount. Quite apart from this, even the tiniest drops of water act like a burning glass and can cause severe damage to leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits - even more so, the sunnier the plants are. For this reason, automatic irrigation systems are not a good idea in many flower and vegetable mattresses: Instead, always water from below to keep leaves and other above-ground plant parts dry.

Gardeners have to get up early

It's best to grab the watering can either early in the morning or late in the evening, with experts recommending early-morning watering between three and four o'clock. At this time, the soil is cooler and leaves wetted by dew anyway, so that further water causes no damage. Furthermore, excess water dries up quickly during the day due to the increase in heat and sunshine. If you do not like to get up so early, you should have completed this task at the latest six o'clock in the morning. In turn, casting in the evening has the disadvantage that the moisture lingers longer - and lures greedy snails, which find these conditions extremely paradisiacal. If you have a screw problem, changing the casting time could definitely help.

Watering garden plants properly - The most important tips

In addition to the right time, there are a number of other tips for proper casting. How to get your garden plants healthy and strong over the summer:


Do not water your plants according to schedule, but as needed: this can vary greatly depending on the plant species, growth phase, weather and temperature. Basically, it must then be re-poured, when a finger sample, the earth feels dry in about two centimeters deep.